In keeping your driving in check, the first questions to come to mind is : “What kind of a driver are you?” Then several other questions will follow:
(1.) Do you drive fast and carelessly?
(2.) Are you slow and hesitant on the road?
(3.) Do you drive aggressively or defensively?
(4.) Do you veer wildly between driving aggressively and defensively?
It pays to learn what kind of driver you are in terms of safety on the road because your attitude and temperament would affect both your road sense and how other road users respond to you.
So, here’s how to keep in check your kind of driving:
(1.) Zap aggressiveness. A recent study found that 80 % of drivers in the United Kingdom (UK) have claimed to have been victims of many incidents of aggression at wheel, such as drivers tailgating and running even in red lights. For the sake of your driving licence and your health, it would pay to calm down.
(2.) Drive defensively. This is a good strategy in driving strategy that could help you cope with irrational and unpredictable drivers. It is based on anticipating what might happen by watching the road ahead and being in control. So, in case of the unexpected, you’re always prepared whilst behind the wheel.
(3.) Take an extra care at night. Never rely on the car lights of other people’s vehicles to guide you, and drive more slowly on the road because the other drivers are expected to be grumpy and tired.
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